I relate! There is definitely an energy unlocked when I see a creative opportunity and without thinking act. Totally a "why not?" moment. I've had a few of those recently myself. Why not organize a live stream zoom artist expo with young artists in Uganda with only one month to go and no technology solution? Why not draw a portrait a day of people who do amazing things but we never hear about on social media (or if we do they are nameless and have no individual story)? Why not crochet dozens of water bottle holders to raise money for a rainwater tank in Kenya. My point is yours ... Those why nots (not all, but some) are life changing in ways that are often unexpected. I LOVE your embroidery! I'm sure that elephant is a head turner!

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Yes Emily, WHY NOT?? Love all these examples (which I’m sure are taken straight from real life?!) and sound just brilliant 🥰 life changing in ways often unexpected beforehand yes yes yes 🙌

And also yes to having received quite a few comments… the elephant is actually what gave me my first commission years ago which was an embroidered lion patch for the back of a jacket too 🤗

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Yes they are real life examples! 😁 Lion patch! Amazing!

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Brilliant 👏🙌 thanks for sharing it 🥰

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Jun 12Liked by Elin Petronella

I love this new venture, it really speaks to how creative and giving you are to your community!

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Thank you so much Deb 🥰🥰🙏🏼

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Jun 12Liked by Elin Petronella


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Jun 18Liked by Elin Petronella

Thank you Elin for this meaningful piece. You are my inspiration. So much so that I am taking a bold step to share my creative journey as an amateur in embroidery and writing, here on substack... coming soon.

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Oh that’s amazing Yean!! I’m very happy to hear this thank you so much, you’ll do amazing for sure, the community on here is very warm and inviting! I’ve written a lot about growing on Substack over on my other publication too Follow Your Gut, which you may find interesting🥰

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Jun 13Liked by Elin Petronella

Love this!

Flexing my creative muscle is life giving and not doing so is an indicator that something is happening in my life.

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100% with you on this Jamal!! 💯

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