How to start free-hand embroidery? + FREE soothing virtual stitch-café (3hrs)
3 key things to thing about + Real time FREE stitch video (with soothing jazzy music in the background) + Invitation to learn more
Hi there!
Hope you’ve had a great week,
My last article in the Petronella Art Magazine, “What is it really that makes embroidery so satisfying”, made loads of you who already embroider nod in agreement.
But there were also many who messaged me saying that they’re officially convinced: Embroidery has to be attempted!
So what’s the next step? How to start?
If you’ve never done embroidery, I’d recommend to first check out our free beginner’s class Going Knots (Yes, I’m very proud of the funky name haha).
The second option is to keep reading… and perhaps experiment stitching with me in real time at the end?!
Whether you’re a seasoned stitcher or an absolute newbie to this fabulous medium, starting a new project can be (is) daunting. Even more so if it’s a style that you’ve never done before.
Considering that hand embroidery is a slow medium (perfectly fitting for anyone who wishes to slow down), it’s only natural that we worry about making mistakes. Because mistakes may cost a lot of time to undo and redo.
But what if we approach the process differently?
Much like drawing, modern hand embroidery designs (the way I see it), can EVOLVE rather than being something transferred that we must religiously follow.
That maybe sounds funny and paradox considering that I sell patterns as part of my art business. But truly, I always encourage everyone who does our patterns to also try and make personal alterations to the original as a way to make room for individual creative expression.
For some it’s easier to use a ready made pattern as a base and alter colour schemes or minor details, whereas for others it’s thrilling to think that one might actually be able to create an entire design from scratch.
Ps. Don’t miss to download the June pattern before the end of the weekend. All paying Magazine readers + Charles and Elin Academy members can access the instant download either via THIS MAGAZINE PAGE or your C&E Academy ACCOUNT HERE - Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
The 3 main things to consider when starting your own free-hand embroidery design
1. Start with a small hoop!
Large embroidery hoops add unnecessary pressure. It can feel as though you have to find creative designs to fill up the entire space, which you really don’t need at this point…
For the real-time stitch project at the end, all you need is a piece of scrap fabric, some floss (use what you have at home or go fetch three of your favorite colours), a crewel needle (for reference, I like size 1-5), and scissors.
2. Choose ONE main colour and two complementary colours
As a junky for architectural designs I tend to retreat to black as my base (used for stitching contours), one green colour for greenery details and one colour for potential florals (think: Red, Purple, Pink, Orange…)
To stick to the basics, make starting easier!
Remember; To get creative is a JOY not a burden (there are enough of those already, so let’s not add to it)
3. Stitch ANY shape
This is crucial because it will help you to get by the first “empty canvas” syndrome, which tends to be the single biggest blocker for anybody who wishes to take a more creative leap and make their own designs.
This is why using the strategy of “a basic shape” first is fantastic. A shape can EVOLVE into a bunch of things. For example, as you will see in the real-time stitch project at the end, you can turn a rectangle into a window, or a circle into a flower… or why not an oval into a balloon?! How cute with a bunch of flying balloons covering a hoop (and potentially fill them in various poppy colours…)
Your invited to stitch with me for 3 hours (it’s totally free)
Please, don’t feel overwhelmed with the amount of time… Truthfully the best part about the online format is that you can pause and watch the video when and where it suits you!
You can even put the video all the way until the end just to be able to watch the final result. The real-time stitch video is designed as stitch company more than anything.
Like a cosy stitch gathering where we can all sit in the comforts of our own homes.
It also shows the entire process of a small freehand embroidery design, which allows the adventurous to follow along by stitching what you’re seeing.
WATCH ON YOUTUBE HERE or click on the embedded video below:
Want to go a step further but without the overwhelm?
If the idea of creating from scratch excited you, I’ve got the perfect workshop practicum for you!
It’s a small hyper-focused workshop (about an hour) that gives you actionable exercises to get your mind going as well as the process of another SUPER CUTE mini design that gets us dreaming about warm weather.
Charles and Elin Academy members have unlimited access to ALL courses + A one year free pass to this magazine (email me back to collect your voucher if you haven’t done so already!).
But if another membership isn’t for you at this point (I totally get it!). I’m running a limited weekend special for Magazine readers with 20% off unique payment of the course (offer expires on Monday 1st July).
You can learn more about the workshop here
Thank you so much for reading today’s issue and I truly hope you’ll enjoy the real time stitch sessions for anyone who tries it out over the weekend!
Warm regards,
Elin xx
Direct links:
Practical workshop to successfully make your own first free-hand embroidery (20% off until Monday! Charles and Elin Academy Members gets it for free)
Last issue; What is it about embroidery that makes it so satisfying?
JUNE Pattern download Summer in Paris (Download expires Sunday)
Now you've got me 😂 next time I'm visiting the art store I'll buy a hoop for next winter 😂
This is going to catch like wildfire, Elin! Three hours of watching someone embroider? I 100% see the appeal, and I am not even an embroiderer! If ever you do this for your drawings--even just black and white ones, I'd be in! One day Substack will allow us to buy an essay or a video/episode at a time and I would SO buy them (since I am maxed out on subscribing at present). I am so glad you are doing this for people! We need slow and joyful mediums to re-find our harried souls. Super job and talk to you again soon Elin!